Le Géoportail National
du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg

Gemeng : Préizerdaul

Hei fannt dir eng Lësch vun allen Informationslayer déi am Geoportal zur Verfügung stinn. Ee Klick op den Numm vun engem Layer brëngt Iech an eng detailliert Siicht fir déi gewielten Gemeng. Ee Klick op den Icon riets vum Numm brëngt Iech direkt an de Geoportal.


Klickt op den Numm vun engem Thema fir all d'Layeren vun deem Thema ugewisen ze kréien.

Ëffentlechen Transport - Haltestellen
All Wanderweeër
Ausgewisen Naturschutzgebidder
Naturschutzgebidder en vue vun enger Ausweisung
Naturschutzgebidder an der Ausweisungprozedur
Comités de pilotage Natura2000 an Gemengen
Habitater Natura 2000
Vulleschutzgebidder Natura 2000
HQ10 [héich Probabilitéit]
HQ100 [mëttel Probabilitéit]
HQextrem [niddereg Probabilitéit]
Punktelementer mat Zäitschiber
Bongerten mat Zäitschiber
Flächenelementer ouni Bongerten mat Zäitschiber
Bewäertungskaart Dag
Bewäertungskaart Nuecht
Déidlech Accidenter 2023
Déidlech Accidenter 2022
Déidlech Accidenter 2021
Déidlech Accidenter 2020
Déidlech Accidenter 2019
Déidlech Accidenter 2018
Orthophoto 2023 infrarout
Klimapakt 2023 - NO2
Restriktiounen betreffend nei privat Buerungen fir Grondwaasser z'enthuelen
Gemengen (Nimm)
Kantoner (Nimm)
Distrikter (Nimm)
Regional Tourismusverbänn
LEADER Regiounen
UNESCO Biosphère Minett
Biologesch Statiounen
Distanzen vun der Landesgrenz
Kadasterparzellen (Nummeren)
Kadastergemengen (Nimm)
Kadastersektiounen (Nimm)
Kadaster Urpläng
Remembrementsperimeter (Fläch)
Domaine public
Besëtz an ëffentlecher Hand
Automatesch topografesch Kaart
Topografesch Kaart 1:250000
Topografesch Kaart 1:100.000
Topografesch Kaart 1:100.000 S/W
Topografesch Kaart 1:50.000
Topografesch Kaart 1:50.000 S/W
Topografesch Kaart 1:20000
Regional touristesch Kaart 1:20000 R
Blaatschnett Regional Kaart
Topografesch Kaart 1:5000
Ferraris Kaart 1:20k 1778
Topographesch Kaart 1905
Topographesch Kaart 1927
Däitsch Krichskaart 1:25k 1939
Topografesch Kaart 1:150k 1950
Topografesch Kaart 1954
Topografesch Kaart 1:20k 1964 S/W
Topografesch Kaart 1:20k 1964
Topografesch Kaart 1:50k 1966
Topografesch Kaart 1:20k 1979 S/W
Topografesch Kaart 1:20k 1979
Topografesch Kaart 1:20k 1989
Topografesch Kaart 1:50k 1990
Topografesch Kaart 1:50k 1993
Topografesch Kaart 1:50k 2000
Topografesch Kaart 1:20k 2000
Topografesch Kaart 1:50000
UTM Grid
Koordinatekräizer am LUREF
Héichtereferenzpunkten (nei Skizzen)
Héichtereferenzpunkten (aal Skizzen)
GNSS Referenzpunkten vum Netz 2ter Uerdnung
Administratioun an aner Déngschtleeschtungen
Bank, Finanz, Versécherung
Schéinheet, Sport a Wellness
Kommunikatioun an Multimedia
Kultur, Fräizäit a Turissem
Unterricht, Formatioun an Aarbecht
Garage, transport an mobilitéit
Hotel, Restaurant, Wiertschaft
Medezin an Gesondheet
Déngschtleeschtung fir Professionneller
Iwwersiicht 3D Brecken
Ëffentlechen Transport - Haltestellen
Ëffentlechen Transport - Réseau
Buslinnen AVL
Buslinnen RGTR
Buslinnen TICE
Zuchlinnen CFL
Chargy Bornen
Ëffentlech zougänglech AC Luetborne
Ëffentlech zougänglech DC Luetborne
CFL Garen
Park + Ride
National Vëlospisten
Regional Vëlosweeër
Kilometréirung vun den CFL-Strecken
aktuell Chantieren (CITA)
zukünfteg Chantieren (CITA)
Aktuell Chantieren (National Velosweeër)
Zukünfteg Chantieren (National Velosweeër)
Lokaliséirung vun de fixe Radaren
Referenzpunkte vun den Staatsstroossen
Disponibilitéit vun Erdgas
VHCN Ofdeckung
Glasfaser Ofdeckung
DOCSIS Ofdeckung
5G - errechbar Geschwindegkeet
Ganz gutt
Ganz gutt
Ganz gutt
4G - errechbar Geschwindegkeet
Ganz gutt
Ganz gutt
Ganz gutt
3G - errechbar Geschwindegkeet
3G - Orange Communications Luxembourg S.A.
2G - errechbar Geschwindegkeet
2G - Post Luxembourg
2G - Proximus Luxembourg S.A.
2G - Orange Communications Luxembourg S.A.
Structures d’hébergement pour personnes âgées et personnes handicapées
Déidlech Accidenter 2023
Déidlech Accidenter 2022
Déidlech Accidenter 2021
Déidlech Accidenter 2020
Déidlech Accidenter 2019
Déidlech Accidenter 2018
Orthophoto mat Zäitschiber
Orthophoto 2023
Orthophoto 2022
Orthophoto 2021
Orthophoto 2020
Orthophoto 2019
Orthophoto 2019 (Wanter)
Orthophoto 2018
Orthophoto 2017
Orthophoto 2016
Orthophoto 2013
Orthophoto 2010
Orthophoto 2007
Orthophoto 2004
Orthophoto 2001
Orthophoto 1967
Bladschnëtt Orthophotos
Satellitendonnée Ikonos
Loftbiller vun 1951 (1:10k)
Loftbiller vun 1951 (1:25k)
Loftbiller vun 1963 (1:20k)
Loftbiller vun 1977 (1:30k)
Loftbiller vun 1987 (1:30k)
Loftbiller vun 1994 (1:30k)
Orthophoto 2023 infrarout
Orthophoto 2022 infrarout
Orthophoto 2021 infrarout
Orthophoto 2020 infrarout
Orthophoto 2019 infrarout
Orthophoto 2018 infrarout
Orthophoto 2017 infrarout
Orthophoto 2016 infrarout
Orthophoto 2013 infrarout
Orthophoto 2010 infrarout
Landbedeckung 2018
Landbedeckung 2015
Landbedeckung 2021
Landnotzung 2018
Landnotzung 2015
Landnotzung 2007
Versigelungsgrad vun de Flächenotzungsflächen 2018
Versigelungsgrad (Gitternetz 100m)
Versigelungsgrad (Gitternetz 1km²)
Bauperiod vun de Gebaier
Buedemnotzung 2007
Buedemnotzung 1999
Héichtelinnen 10m
Schummerung 2019
Digitalen Uewerflächemodell
Digitalen Héichtemodell
Digitalen Héichtemodell mat alternativer Farwduerstellung
Digitalen Héichtemodell fir d'Groussregioun mat alternativer Farwduerstellung
Orthophoto 2019 (Wanter)
LiDAR Kachelen
Digitalen Uewerflächemodell (Regioun Nordstad)
Digitalen Héichtemodell (Regioun Nordstad)
Digitalen Objekthéichtemodell
LiDAR Kachelen
Iwwersiicht 3D Brecken
Digitalen Héichtemodell
Digitalen Uewerflächemodell
Schummerung 2019
Kanal - Millekanal
Kilometréierung vun de Gewässer
Comités de pilotage Natura2000 an Gemengen
Habitater Natura 2000
Vulleschutzgebidder Natura 2000
Punktelementer (aktuellsten Daten)
Bongerten (aktuellsten Daten)
Flächenelementer ouni Bongerten (aktuellsten Daten)
Pufferzonen (aktuellsten Daten)
Punktelementer mat Zäitschiber
Bongerten mat Zäitschiber
Flächenelementer ouni Bongerten mat Zäitschiber
FLIK Referenzparzellen Weibau
Lagen am Weibau
Klenglagen am Weibau
ESCA Bewäertung 2019
ESCA Bewäertung 2020
ESCA Bewäertung 2021
ESCA Bewäertung 2022
ESCA Bewäertung 2023
CWSI (crop water stress index, Pflanzen Waasser Stress Index)
Uewerfläch Temperatur den 22. August 2023
NDVI 2019-09
NDVI 2020-07
NDVI 2020-09
NDVI 2021-09
NDVI 2022-08
NDVI 2023-08
NDVI MicaSense 2023-08
Harmoniséiert geologesch Kaart
Harmoniséiert geologesch Kaart (ofgedeckt)
Vereinfacht geologesch Kaart
Vereinfacht geologesch Kaart (ofgedeckt)
Geologesch Profilschnëtt
Déckt vun den geol. Eenheeten
Hydrogeologesch Buerungen
Geomorphologesch Kaart 1:100k, 1984
Buedemkaart 1:100'000
Buedemkaart 1:25'000
Organesche Kuelestoff am Uewerbuedem
pH-Gehalt (CaCl2)
Siichtbar Erosiounsrillen a -grief
Erosiounsrisiko um Akerland 2024
Gewässer mat engem signifikativen Héichwaasserrisiko 2019
HQ10 [héich Probabilitéit]
HQ100 [mëttel Probabilitéit]
HQextrem [niddereg Probabilitéit]
HQ10 [héich Probabilitéit]
HQ100 [mëttel Probabilitéit]
HQextrem [niddereg Probabilitéit]
ISG 1983 - Musel
ISG 1993 [ausser Musel]
ISG Uelzecht 1995
ISG Sauer 1995
Héichwaasser Brennpunkten
Moossnameprogramm HWRM-Plang 2015
Provisoresch ZPS
ZPS an der ëffentlecher Prozedur
ZPS duerch grousshrzgl. reglement festgeluecht
Groussherzoglecht Reglement fir d'Ausweisung vun de Schutzzonen ronderëm de Stauséi Uewersauer
Sanitär Schutzzone vum Stauséi Esch/Sauer (ausser Kraaft, als Informatioun)
Gebidder an deenen et verbueden ass Metazachlor auszebréngen
Bathing Waters
Bathing Water Quality
Sensitive areas [Urban waste water treatment directive]
Vulnerable zones [Nitrates directive]
Designated protected areas
Protected areas in view of designation
Protected areas undergoing the official designation procedure
Waste water syndicats
Waste water treatment plants
Functional elements of concept of aquatic habitat connectivity
Catchment areas 2009
Surface water typology 2009
Surface water bodies 2009
Heavily modified waterbodies 2009
Groundwater bodies 2009
Global status 2009
Chemical status 2009
Ecological status 2009
Hydromorphological status 2009
Status of the WB 2009
Quantitative status of the WB 2009
Chemical status of the WB 2009
Surface water bodies 2015
Heavily modified waterbodies 2015
Study zones 2015
Types of watercourses 2015
Types of watercourses 2015 (LAWA)
Structural quality mapping 2015 [7-stage evaluation]
Structural quality mapping 2015 [5-stage evaluation]
Structural quality mapping 2015 in 5 stripes [7-stage evaluation]
Structural quality mapping 2015 in 5 stripes [5-stage evaluation]
Detailed programme of measures HY
Detailed programme of measures SWW
Ground water bodies 2015
Ecological status 2015
Ecological Potential 2015
Chemical status 2015 [Directive 2008/105/EC]
Chemical status without ubiquitous substances 2015 [Directive 2008/105/EC]
Chemical status 2015 [Directive 2013/39/EU]
Chemical status without ubiquitous substances 2015 [Directive 2013/39/EU]
Hydromorphology 2015
Morphology 2015
Continuity 2015
Physico-chemistry 2015
Phytoplankton 2015
Macrophytes and phytobenthos 2015
Macrobenthos 2015
Fish 2015
Status of the WB 2015
Quantitative status of the WB 2015
Chemical status of the WB 2015
Surface water bodies 2021 (catchment areas)
Surface water bodies (watercourses)
Study zones 2021
Types of watercourses 2021 (LU)
Types of watercourses 2021 (LAWA)
Ground water bodies 2021
Structural quality mapping 2021 [7-stage evaluation]
Structural quality mapping 2021 [5-stage evaluation]
Structural quality mapping 2021 in 5 stripes [7-stage evaluation]
Structural quality mapping 2021 in 5 stripes [5-stage evaluation]
Detailed inventory of transversal structures 2021
Detailed inventory of culverts 2021
Cartography of cross profiles 2021
Cartography of the substrate 2021
Detailed programme of measures SWW 2021
Detailed programme of measures HY 2021 (all)
HY DU.01 Restoration of the ecological continuity – barriers and dams (2021)
HY DU.02 Restoration of the ecological continuity – culverts (2021)
HY MO.01 Incorporation of structural elements in the river bed (2021)
HY MO.02 Removal/replacement of riverbed stabilizations (2021)
HY MO.03 Incorporation of flow deflectors to promote river dynamics (2021)
HY MO.04 Removal/replacement of riverbank stabilizations (2021)
HY MO.05 Re-meandering and restoration of riverbed (2021)
HY MO.06 Establishment of riparian buffer strips (2021)
HY MO.07 Establishment of river corridor (2021)
HY MO.08 Restoration and protection of natural floodplains and hydraulic annexes (2021)
HY MO.09 Enable autonomous dynamic development of rivers (2021)
HY WA.01 Restoration and securing of near-natural flow conditions (2021)
HY WA.02 Restoration and securing of near-natural water balance (2021)
HY WA.03 Flow regulation (hydropeaking, water intakes, water discharges) (2021)
Ecological status 2021
Ecological potential 2021
Chemical status 2021 [Directive 2013/39/EU]
Chemical status without ubiquitous substances 2021 [Directive 2013/39/EU]
Biological QE (Bio) - overall evaluation 2021
(Bio) Phytoplankton 2021
(Bio) Macrophytes and phytobenthos 2021
(Bio) Macrophytes 2021
(Bio) Phytobenthos 2021
(Bio) Macroinvertebrates 2021
(Bio) Fish 2021
Physico-chemical QE (PC) - overall evaluation
(PC) General physico-chemical parameters 2021
(PC) River Basin Specific Pollutants 2021
Hydromorphological QE (Hymo) 2021
(Hymo) Morphology 2021
(Hymo) Continuity 2021
(Hymo) Hydrological regime 2021
Status of the GWB 2021
Quantitative status of the GWB 2021
Chemical status of the GWB 2021
Regional nature and forest districts
Local nature and forest districts
Hunting lots
Battue hunts
Public forests
Archeaological observation zone (ZOA)
City of Luxembourg - Boundary of the property
City of Luxembourg - Bufferzone
City of Luxembourg - Protected zone (old quarters)
City of Luxembourg - Protected zone (other quarters)
City of Luxembourg - Existing fortress
Theaters and cultural institutions
Archeaological observation zone (ZOA)
Digital Surface Model
Digital Elevation Model
Digital Elevation Model with alternative coloring
Digital Elevation Model for the Greater Region with alternative coloring
Orthophoto 2019 (winter)
LiDAR tiles
Digital Surface Model (Nordstad region)
Digital Elevation Model (Nordstad region)
Digital Object Height Model
LiDAR tiles
Overview 3D bridges
Digital Elevation Model
Digital Surface Model
Hillshade 2019
Flight height from 0 to 50m
Flight height from 50 to 120m
Current air temperature [°C]
Sum of precipitation in the last hour [mm]
Current air humidity [%]
Current wind speed [m/s]
Current sunshine duration [hours]
Current global radiation [Wh/m2]
Businesses by economic sector
Businesses by main industry
Businesses by operation form

Mullerthal Trail
Escapardenne Lee & Eislek Trail
Éislek Pied
Dream loops
NaturWanderPark delux
Minett Trail
Circuit du Lac
Sentier Adrien Ries
Auto-Pédestre trails
Local hiking trails
Comfort hiking trails
International long-distance paths
National hiking trails
CFL rail & hike
Youthhostel Trails
Way of St. James
Liberation Route Europe
Nature & geology
Nature trails
Art & culture
Wine & delights
Accessible to all
Fitness & well being
Children & family
Bridle paths
IVV permanent trails
IVV events
Closings & detours
Battue hunts
All hiking trails
National cycle routes
Regional cycle routes
Communal cycle routes
Cycle routes of the neighbouring countries
Cycle tours
Road bike tours
Mountain bike trails
EuroVelo 5
Voie bleue
Bike rental
E-bike charging
Bike repair stations
Bike washing stations
Current bicycle path work
Future bicycle path work
Closure & detours on MTB trails
Battue hunts
ADAC Motorbike Tour
Mullerthal Touring
current road works (CITA)
Grand Tour du Luxembourg (national tour)
Grand Tour du Luxembourg (regional tours)
CFL train stations
Train Lines CFL
Public Transport - Stops
Public Transport Network
Tram lines
Park + Ride
Chargy stations
Publicly accessible AC charging stations
Publicly accessible DC charging stations
Localisation of traffic radars
current road works (CITA)
Tourist Info
Youth Hostels
Bed & Breakfast
UNESCO World Heritage Sites
Emergency spots
Municipalities (names)
Cantons (names)
Districts (names)
Judicial districts
Legislative circonscriptions
Regional Tourist Offices
Nature Parks
UNESCO Biosphere Minett
Regional biological stations
Distances from the (country) border

Municipalities (names)
Cantons (names)
Districts (names)
Judicial districts
Legislative circonscriptions
Regional Tourist Offices
Nature Parks
UNESCO Biosphere Minett
Regional biological stations
Distances from the (country) border
Designated protected areas
Protected areas in view of designation
Protected areas undergoing the official designation procedure
Steering committees Natura2000 and municipalities
Habitats Natura 2000
Bird protection zones Natura 2000
Compensation districts
Compensation areas
Land Cover 2018
Land Cover 2015
Land Cover 2021
Land Use 2018
Land Use 2018
Land Use 2007
Imperviousness degree of the Land Use surfaces 2018
Imperviousness degree (Grid 100m)
Imperviousness degree (Grid 1km²)
Construction period of the buildings
Landcover 2007
Landcover 1999
Nature trails
“État de la nature” Route
World Water Day 2021
Regional nature and forest districts
Local nature and forest districts
Public forests
Public forest certification FSC and/or PEFC
Forests seed stands
Latest Report
Roadkill 2023
Wildlife corridors
Ecological sectors
Hunting lots
Battue hunts
Collection centres for wild roadkill and guts
Zone for the prevention of propagation of African swine fever
Point elements (latest data)
Orchards with (latest data)
Surface elements without orchards (latest data)
Buffer (latest data)
Point elements with time slider
Orchards with time slider
Surface elements without orchards with time slider
Forest biotope cadastre
Cadastre of potentially polluted sites
Closed large landfills
Zoning 2021
Previous Zoning
Geostatistical Interpolation O3
Geostatistical Interpolation NO2
Geostatistical Interpolation PM10
Geostatistical Interpolation PM2.5
Telemetry Network
Particulate Matter (filter reference method)
Dust deposition (Bergerhoff Network)
Biomonitoring Network
Participation of municipalities
Climate pact 2023 - NO2
Climate pact 2022 - NO2
Climate pact 2021 - NO2
Climate pact 2020 - NO2
Climate pact 2019 - NO2
Climate pact 2018 - NO2
Public Power
Medium combustion plants
Year 2013
Year 2014
Year 2015
Year 2016
Year 2017
Year 2018
Year 2019
Year 2020
Year 2021
Major Roads 2021 (Lden)
Major Roads 2021 (Lngt)
Major Roads 2016 (Lden)
Major Roads 2016 (Lngt)
Priority noise hotspots - road traffic 2016
Priority noise hotspots - road traffic 2016 agglomeration
Major Roads 2011 (Lden)
Major Roads 2011 (Lngt)
Priority noise hotspots - road traffic 2011
Priority noise hotspots - road traffic 2011 agglomeration
Major Railways 2021 (Lden)
Major Railways 2021 (Lngt)
Major Railways 2016 (Lden)
Major Railways 2016 (Lngt)
Priority noise hotspots - railway traffic 2016
Major Railways 2011 (Lden)
Major Railways 2011 (Lngt)
Priority noise hotspots - railway traffic 2011
Major Airport 2021 (Lden)
Major Airport 2021 (Lngt)
Major Airport 2016 (Lden)
Major Airport 2016 (Lngt)
Major airport 2011 (Lden)
Major airport 2011 (Lngt)
Industrial activity 2021 (Lden)
Industrial activity 2021 (Lngt)
Agglomeration roads 2021 (Lden)
Agglomeration roads 2021 (Lngt)
Agglomeration railways 2021 (Lden)
Agglomeration railways 2021 (Lngt)
Multiexposure 2016 (Lden)
Multiexposure 2016 (Lngt)
Air traffic noise
Road noise
Rail noise
Silent Cities - Phase 1 (20/04-10/05) 
Silent Cities - Phase 2 (11/05-24/05)
Silent Cities - Phase 3 (25/05-17/06)
Road noise hotspots
Potential quiet rural areas
Potential quiet urban areas
Potential quiet urban oases
Campaign 2020 - Potential quiet areas
Fading Thunders of Belval
City Stories for the Ear
Memories of the blue noise
Co-fermentation plants
Composting facilities
Inert waste landfills
Recycling Centres
Landfill for non-hazardous waste
Wastewater treatment plants
Sewage sludge land treatment 2022
Sewage sludge land treatment 2023
Base stations for public mobile communication networks < 50 Watt
700MHz Base stations for public mobile communication networks ≥ 50 Watt
3.6GHz Base stations for public mobile communication networks ≥ 50 Watt
Base stations for public mobile communication networks ≥ 50 Watt
Measuring points
Wind turbines
IED installations
Radon concentrations per municipality

Topographical Map 1:20000
Orthophoto 2020
Orthophoto 2019 (winter)
Orthophoto 2019
Orthophoto 2018
Orthophoto 2017
Orthophoto 2016
Orthophoto 2004
Orthophoto 2001
Satellite pictures Ikonos
Land use
Cantons (names)
Municipalities (names)
Designated protected areas
Protected areas in view of designation
Protected areas undergoing the official designation procedure
Steering committees Natura2000 and municipalities
Habitats Natura 2000
Bird protection zones Natura 2000
Height reference points (new sketches)
Height reference points (old sketches)
2nd order network GNSS reference points
Water level
Alluvial groundwater level
Air temperature
Soil temperature
Snow height
Air humidity
Air pressure
Global radiation
WFD monitoring network SWB (2015-2020)
WFD monitoring network SWB (2021-2026)
Surface water Nitrates Directive 91/676/CEE
WFD monitoring network GWB (2015-2020)
WFD monitoring network GWB (2021-2026)
Groundwater Nitrates Directive 91/676/CEE
Channel - Millchannel
Watercourses kilometrage
Catchment areas
Upper Sure Lake
Fishing sections
Hydrogeological drillings
Restrictions for feasibility of shallow geothermal drillings
Restrictions for feasibility of very shallow geothermal installations (< 15 m)
Restrictions for new private drillings
Drinking water abstraction points
Drinking water tanks
Drinking water syndicates
Certificat d'Excellence "Drëpsi"
Water hardness
Provisional ZPS
ZPS ongoing public procedure
ZPS created by grand-ducal regulation
Grand-ducal regulation regarding the safeguard zones around the Upper Sûre Lake
Sanitary protection zones Esch-sur-Sûre dam (repealed, for information only)
Areas in which the application of Metazachlor is forbidden
Bathing Waters
Bathing Water Quality
Sensitive areas [Urban waste water treatment directive]
Vulnerable zones [Nitrates directive]
Waste water syndicats
Waste water treatment plants
Watercourses with significant flood risks 2019
HQ10 [high probability]
HQ100 [medium probability]
HQextreme [low probability]
HQ10 [high probability]
HQ100 [medium probability]
HQextreme [low probability]
Flashflood hazard map
Flashflood risk map
Floodplain 1983 - Mosel
Floodplain 1993 [without Mosel]
Floodplain Alzette 1995
Floodplain Sauer 1995
Flood foci
Programme of measures FRMP 2015
Functional elements of concept of aquatic habitat connectivity
Catchment areas 2009
Surface water typology 2009
Surface water bodies 2009
Heavily modified waterbodies 2009
Groundwater bodies 2009
Global status 2009
Chemical status 2009
Ecological status 2009
Hydromorphological status 2009
Status of the WB 2009
Quantitative status of the WB 2009
Chemical status of the WB 2009
Surface water bodies 2015
Heavily modified waterbodies 2015
Study zones 2015
Types of watercourses 2015
Types of watercourses 2015 (LAWA)
Structural quality mapping 2015 [7-stage evaluation]
Structural quality mapping 2015 [5-stage evaluation]
Structural quality mapping 2015 in 5 stripes [7-stage evaluation]
Structural quality mapping 2015 in 5 stripes [5-stage evaluation]
Detailed programme of measures HY
Detailed programme of measures SWW
Ground water bodies 2015
Ecological status 2015
Ecological Potential 2015
Chemical status 2015 [Directive 2008/105/EC]
Chemical status without ubiquitous substances 2015 [Directive 2008/105/EC]
Chemical status 2015 [Directive 2013/39/EU]
Chemical status without ubiquitous substances 2015 [Directive 2013/39/EU]
Hydromorphology 2015
Morphology 2015
Continuity 2015
Physico-chemistry 2015
Phytoplankton 2015
Macrophytes and phytobenthos 2015
Macrobenthos 2015
Fish 2015
Status of the WB 2015
Quantitative status of the WB 2015
Chemical status of the WB 2015
Surface water bodies 2021 (catchment areas)
Surface water bodies (watercourses)
Study zones 2021
Types of watercourses 2021 (LU)
Types of watercourses 2021 (LAWA)
Ground water bodies 2021
Structural quality mapping 2021 [7-stage evaluation]
Structural quality mapping 2021 [5-stage evaluation]
Structural quality mapping 2021 in 5 stripes [7-stage evaluation]
Structural quality mapping 2021 in 5 stripes [5-stage evaluation]
Detailed inventory of transversal structures 2021
Detailed inventory of culverts 2021
Cartography of cross profiles 2021
Cartography of the substrate 2021
Detailed programme of measures SWW 2021
Detailed programme of measures HY 2021 (all)
HY DU.01 Restoration of the ecological continuity – barriers and dams (2021)
HY DU.02 Restoration of the ecological continuity – culverts (2021)
HY MO.01 Incorporation of structural elements in the river bed (2021)
HY MO.02 Removal/replacement of riverbed stabilizations (2021)
HY MO.03 Incorporation of flow deflectors to promote river dynamics (2021)
HY MO.04 Removal/replacement of riverbank stabilizations (2021)
HY MO.05 Re-meandering and restoration of riverbed (2021)
HY MO.06 Establishment of riparian buffer strips (2021)
HY MO.07 Establishment of river corridor (2021)
HY MO.08 Restoration and protection of natural floodplains and hydraulic annexes (2021)
HY MO.09 Enable autonomous dynamic development of rivers (2021)
HY WA.01 Restoration and securing of near-natural flow conditions (2021)
HY WA.02 Restoration and securing of near-natural water balance (2021)
HY WA.03 Flow regulation (hydropeaking, water intakes, water discharges) (2021)
Ecological status 2021
Ecological potential 2021
Chemical status 2021 [Directive 2013/39/EU]
Chemical status without ubiquitous substances 2021 [Directive 2013/39/EU]
Biological QE (Bio) - overall evaluation 2021
(Bio) Phytoplankton 2021
(Bio) Macrophytes and phytobenthos 2021
(Bio) Macrophytes 2021
(Bio) Phytobenthos 2021
(Bio) Macroinvertebrates 2021
(Bio) Fish 2021
Physico-chemical QE (PC) - overall evaluation
(PC) General physico-chemical parameters 2021
(PC) River Basin Specific Pollutants 2021
Hydromorphological QE (Hymo) 2021
(Hymo) Morphology 2021
(Hymo) Continuity 2021
(Hymo) Hydrological regime 2021
Status of the GWB 2021
Quantitative status of the GWB 2021
Chemical status of the GWB 2021
Nitrates concentrations surface water
Nitrates concentrations groundwater
Prevention phase (Phase yellow)
Drinking water shortage (level "orange")
Drinking water shortage at critical level (level "red")

Municipalities (names)
Cantons (names)
Districts (names)
Judicial districts
Legislative circonscriptions
Regional Tourist Offices
Nature Parks
UNESCO Biosphere Minett
Regional biological stations
Distances from the (country) border
approved PAP plans
Additional information
Base plan
Special zoning plan (POS)
Bird protection zones Natura 2000
Habitats Natura 2000
Designated protected areas
Point elements (latest data)
Orchards with (latest data)
Surface elements without orchards (latest data)
Buffer (latest data)
Point elements with time slider
Orchards with time slider
Surface elements without orchards with time slider
Forest biotope cadastre
ZPS created by grand-ducal regulation
ZPS ongoing public procedure
Sanitary protection zones Esch-sur-Sûre dam (repealed, for information only)
Major Roads 2021 (Lden)
Major Roads 2021 (Lngt)
Major Roads 2016 (Lden)
Major Roads 2016 (Lngt)
Priority noise hotspots - road traffic 2016
Priority noise hotspots - road traffic 2016 agglomeration
Major Roads 2011 (Lden)
Major Roads 2011 (Lngt)
Priority noise hotspots - road traffic 2011
Priority noise hotspots - road traffic 2011 agglomeration
Major Railways 2021 (Lden)
Major Railways 2021 (Lngt)
Major Railways 2016 (Lden)
Major Railways 2016 (Lngt)
Priority noise hotspots - railway traffic 2016
Major Railways 2011 (Lden)
Major Railways 2011 (Lngt)
Priority noise hotspots - railway traffic 2011
Major Airport 2021 (Lden)
Major Airport 2021 (Lngt)
Major Airport 2016 (Lden)
Major Airport 2016 (Lngt)
Major airport 2011 (Lden)
Major airport 2011 (Lngt)
national protected sites and monuments
Road Network
Road Names
Overview 3D bridges
Public Transport - Stops
Public Transport Network
Bus lines AVL
Bus lines RGTR
Bus lines TICE
Train Lines CFL
Tram lines
Chargy stations
Publicly accessible AC charging stations
Publicly accessible DC charging stations
CFL train stations
Park + Ride
National cycle routes
Regional cycle routes
Mileage of the CFL tracks
current road works (CITA)
future road works (CITA)
Current bicycle path work
Future bicycle path work
Localisation of traffic radars
Reference points state roads

FLIK parcels 2024
Status Permanent Grassland 2023
Environmentally sensitive grasslands
Habitats Natura 2000
Bird protection zones Natura 2000
Protected areas in view of designation
Designated protected areas
Protected areas undergoing the official designation procedure
Provisional ZPS
ZPS ongoing public procedure
Grand-ducal regulation regarding the safeguard zones around the Upper Sûre Lake
ZPS created by grand-ducal regulation
Sanitary protection zones Esch-sur-Sûre dam (repealed, for information only)
Areas in which the application of Metazachlor is forbidden
Safeguard zones
Contraintes pour le stockage d’engrais organiques et de silos taupinières (pentes > 5%)
Contraintes pour l’épandage d’engrais organiques à action rapide et mesures contre l’érosion (pentes > 10%)
Soil map 1:100'000
Soil map 1:25'000
Topsoil Organic Carbon Content
Soil acidity (pHCaCl2)
Identified erosion rills
Soil erosion risk on cropland 2024
Municipalities (names)
Cantons (names)
Districts (names)
Judicial districts
Legislative circonscriptions
Regional Tourist Offices
Nature Parks
UNESCO Biosphere Minett
Regional biological stations
Distances from the (country) border
Point elements (latest data)
Orchards with (latest data)
Surface elements without orchards (latest data)
Buffer (latest data)
Point elements with time slider
Orchards with time slider
Surface elements without orchards with time slider
Forest biotope cadastre
Landscape features
Forest edges

Groceries stores
Post offices
High schools
Gas stations
Public Transport - Stops
CFL train stations
National cycle routes
Watercourses with significant flood risks 2019
HQ10 [high probability]
HQ100 [medium probability]
HQextreme [low probability]
HQ10 [high probability]
HQ100 [medium probability]
HQextreme [low probability]
Flashflood hazard map
Flashflood risk map
Floodplain 1983 - Mosel
Floodplain 1993 [without Mosel]
Floodplain Alzette 1995
Floodplain Sauer 1995
Flood foci
Programme of measures FRMP 2015
Major Roads 2021 (Lden)
Major Roads 2021 (Lngt)
Major Roads 2016 (Lden)
Major Roads 2016 (Lngt)
Priority noise hotspots - road traffic 2016
Priority noise hotspots - road traffic 2016 agglomeration
Major Roads 2011 (Lden)
Major Roads 2011 (Lngt)
Priority noise hotspots - road traffic 2011
Priority noise hotspots - road traffic 2011 agglomeration
Major Railways 2021 (Lden)
Major Railways 2021 (Lngt)
Major Railways 2016 (Lden)
Major Railways 2016 (Lngt)
Priority noise hotspots - railway traffic 2016
Major Railways 2011 (Lden)
Major Railways 2011 (Lngt)
Priority noise hotspots - railway traffic 2011
Major Airport 2021 (Lden)
Major Airport 2021 (Lngt)
Major Airport 2016 (Lden)
Major Airport 2016 (Lngt)
Major airport 2011 (Lden)
Major airport 2011 (Lngt)
Industrial activity 2021 (Lden)
Industrial activity 2021 (Lngt)
Agglomeration roads 2021 (Lden)
Agglomeration roads 2021 (Lngt)
Agglomeration railways 2021 (Lden)
Agglomeration railways 2021 (Lngt)
Multiexposure 2016 (Lden)
Multiexposure 2016 (Lngt)
Air traffic noise
Road noise
Rail noise
Silent Cities - Phase 1 (20/04-10/05) 
Silent Cities - Phase 2 (11/05-24/05)
Silent Cities - Phase 3 (25/05-17/06)
Road noise hotspots

Population per municipality
Population density per municipality
Population by 1 km² grid
Proportion of foreign persons per municipality
Proportion of Germans per municipality
Proportion of Belgiums per municipality
Proportion of Frenchmen per municipality
Proportion of Italians per municipality
Proportion of Portuguese per municipality
Population nuclei
Degree of urbanisation
Evolution of the population by 1 km² grid between 2011 and 2021
None of the three official languages ​​(allophones)
% by 1 km² cell
% Portugal
% EU (excluding F, B D)
% outside EU
% 0 to 4 years
% 5 to 10 years
% 11 to 20 years
% more than 20 years
The 12 cantons and 102 municipalities on 1st January 2018
Overview of the fusions of the municipalities since 1920
3 urban centres in Luxembourg
Population per canton
Population per municipality
Evolution of the population
Population density per municipality on the 1st January 2018
Proportion of women per municipality on the 1st January 2018
Age structure per municipality on the 1st January 2018
Europeans (EU-28)
Europeans (no EU-28)
Asians and Oceanians
Place of birth per municipality on the 1st January 2018
Average age of women
Average age of men
Average age (total)
Proportion of under 20-year-old people
Proportion of 20 to 64 year-old people
Proportion of people aged 65 years and more
Proportion of people aged less than 3 years
Proportion of people aged 3-5 years
Proportion of people aged 6-10 years
Proportion of people aged 11-17 years
Proportion of people aged 65-74 years
Proportion of people aged 75-89 years
Proportion of people aged 90 years and more
Dependency of the elderly people
Dependency of the youth per municipality
Total dependency ratio
Unmarried people
Married people/people living in civil partnership
Divorced people
Widowed people
Births and birth rate per municipality (average 2013-2017)
Proportion of births within mariage per municipality (average 2013-2017)
Average age at the birth per municipality (average 2013-2017)
Deaths and mortality rate per municipality (average 2013-2017)
Natural balance and natural balance rate per municipality (average 2013-2017)
Internal migratory balance and internal migratory balance rate per municipality (average 2013-2017)
International migratory balance and international migratory balance rate per municipality (average 2013-2017)
Total migratory balance and total migratory balance rate per municipality (average 2013-2017)
Marriages and rate of marriage per municipality (average 2013-2017)
Women's average age at the marriage per municipality (average 2013-2017)
Men's average age at the marriage per municipality (average 2013-2017)
Other language

Municipalities (names)
Cantons (names)
Regional Tourist Offices
Nature Parks
Topographical Map 1:250000
Topographical Map 1:100.000
Topographical Map 1:50.000
Topographical Map 1:20000
Regional tourist map 1:20000 R
Topographical Map 1:5000
Orthophoto with time slider
Orthophoto 2023
Orthophoto 2022
Orthophoto 2021
Orthophoto 2020
Orthophoto 2019
Orthophoto 2019 (winter)
Orthophoto 2018
Orthophoto 2017
Orthophoto 2016
Orthophoto 2013
Orthophoto 2010
Orthophoto 2007
Orthophoto 2004
Orthophoto 2001
Orthophoto 1967
Orthophoto Grid
Satellite pictures Ikonos
Aerial images from 1951 (1:10k)
Aerial images from 1951 (1:25k)
Aerial images from 1963 (1:20k)
Aerial images from 1977 (1:30k)
Aerial images from 1987 (1:30k)
Aerial images from 1994 (1:30k)
Orthophoto 2023 infrared
Orthophoto 2022 infrared
Orthophoto 2021 infrared
Orthophoto 2020 infrared
Orthophoto 2019 infrared
Orthophoto 2018 infrared
Orthophoto 2017 infrared
Orthophoto 2016 infrared
Orthophoto 2013 infrared
Orthophoto 2010 infrared
Public administration
Religious building
Rescue service
Other services
Transport and traffic
Social life
Sports and leisure
Administration and other services
Bank, finance, insurance
Beauty, sports and wellness
Communication and multimedia
Culture, leisure and tourism
Education, training and employment
Garage, transport and mobility
Hotel, restaurant, tavern
Medicine and health
Services at the specialists
Tourist Info
Youth Hostels
Bed & Breakfast
UNESCO World Heritage Sites
Foot Trails Nature Parc Our
Mullerthal Trail
Escapardenne Lee & Eislek Trail
NaturWanderPark delux
Dream loops
Auto-Pédestre trails
National hiking trails
CFL rail & hike
Youthhostel Trails
International long-distance paths
Way of St. James
Nature trails
Municipality Trails
Local Syndicate Trails
National cycle routes
Regional cycle routes
Cycle tours
Mountain bike trails
Road bike tours
UNESCO Bike tour
Current bicycle path work
Future bicycle path work
Road Network
Road Names
Public Transport - Stops
Public Transport Network
Chargy stations
CFL train stations
Park + Ride
Designated protected areas
Protected areas in view of designation
Protected areas undergoing the official designation procedure
Steering committees Natura2000 and municipalities
Habitats Natura 2000
Bird protection zones Natura 2000
Ecological sectors
Point elements (latest data)
Orchards with (latest data)
Surface elements without orchards (latest data)
Buffer (latest data)
Point elements with time slider
Orchards with time slider
Surface elements without orchards with time slider
Forest biotope cadastre
FLIK parcels 2024
Status Permanent Grassland 2023
Environmentally sensitive grasslands
Channel - Millchannel
Watercourses kilometrage
Catchment areas
Hydrogeological drillings
Provisional ZPS
ZPS ongoing public procedure
ZPS created by grand-ducal regulation
Grand-ducal regulation regarding the safeguard zones around the Upper Sûre Lake
Sanitary protection zones Esch-sur-Sûre dam (repealed, for information only)
Areas in which the application of Metazachlor is forbidden
Waste water syndicats
Waste water treatment plants