Le Géoportail National
du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg

Municipality : Nommern -> Orthophoto 2018 infrared

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Infrared Orthophoto 2018 of the land registry and topography administration
This layer contains the official orthophotos covering the national territory of Luxembourg. The 4 surveying flights took place on 2, 8 and 27 July and 5 August 2018, with a sun position of > 35°. The ground sampling distance is <0,20m. The perspective displacement is in general <25%, except for Luxembourg-City, where it is <15% for a zone of 10x9km (90km2, centered on the coordinates 78000 east and 74500 north). On the borders, a zone of 50m behind the country border is included.
orthophoto,  aerial,  photograph,  geodata,  2018
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