Le Géoportail National
du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg

Municipality : Rosport-Mompach -> Disponibility of natural gas

Here you can see a representation of the choosen layer in the municipality your selected. A clic on the name of the layer will bring you directly to the geoportal.

Disponibility of natural gas
This layer gives an indication about the disponibility of natural gas for a given parcel. In a small scale, the cadastral sections are colorized according to the grid operator active in that cadastral section. In a bigger scale, cadastral parcels are colorized according to the fact that there is a gaz pipe ini a radius of 20m around the parcel. We make a difference between active pipes, inactive pipes (pipes present, but not yet under pressure) and the non presence of pipes. For further information about a given parcel, you can click into the map to get the contact details of the grid operator and send a prefilled email directly from the site.
Energy,  Gas,  natural gas
Complete metadata