Le Géoportail National
du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg

Municipality : Stadtbredimus -> Fish 2015

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Fish 2015
According to the water framework directive (Directive 2000/60/CE), the biological parameter fish are monitored in surface water bodies in order to determine the ecological status. Fish react sensitively to the continuity and the hydrological flow of surface water. Fish are therefor sampled in the SWB which have deficits here. The methodology applied for sampling is the standard NF EN 14962:2006 "water quality − guidance on the scope and selection of fish sampling methods".
Gültig von
surface water body,  river basin,  Chiers,  river basin district,  Meuse,  Moselle,  Rhine,   Water Framework Directive (DIR 2000/60/CE),  ecological status,  biological quality elements,  fish
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no restriction
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