Le Géoportail National
du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg

Municipality : Useldange -> Historical cadastral sheets

Here you can see a representation of the choosen layer in the municipality your selected. A clic on the name of the layer will bring you directly to the geoportal.

Scanned sheets of the original cadastral map from 1811 - 1832
This layer contains the contours of the map sheets of the original cadastral map for 
the actual territory of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg, as it has been created and 
updated between 1811 and 1832. Every polygon contains a link to the scanned document, 
that can be opened and viewed in the geoportal in form of non printable PDF files.

It is one the set, which has been kept in the archives of the 
administration du cadastre et de la topographie.

At the time of their original use, all the modifications that occured to the parcels 
were recorded on the map sheets themselves by erasing and drawing. This, as well as 
their regular use, may explain the imperfect state of some particular map sheets.

A 2nd set of map sheets is kept in the national archives.
Valid until
Revision date
Origin,  plan,  map,  cadastre,  original,  map sheet
Limitation to public access
Complete metadata