Le Géoportail National
du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg

Municipality : Useldange -> Land area used for residential production (2016-2022)

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Land area used for residential prouction (2010-2016)
The land area used for residential production corresponds to the land plots which were vacant in 2010 and on which stood a building in 2016 within the residential and the mixed-used areas in the municipalities' general land use plans (PAG). Thus, only the areas on which a building was constructed (whether it is inhabited or not) are taken into account in the land consumption, without considering the plots on which roads, car parks etc. were build. These areas were captured by comparing the orthophoto-images.
The data sources are the digitalized cadastral parcels and the orthophoto-images from the "Administration du Cadastre et de la Topographie", as well as the PAG and  PAP of the municipalities digitalized in collaboration with the Ministry of Interior.
land consumption,  residential land
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